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    What is IVtoGo?

    IVtoGo is a portable, drinkable version of high-dose vitamin C IV treatment.  It combines IV levels of liposomal vitamin C with Reduced Glutathione and B vitamins in a convenient oral supplement that can be taken anywhere. All supplements are liposomally encapsulated and correctly proportioned so as to replicate the total absorption provided by a 25 g IV vitamin C cocktail. For IV equivalence, five 1-Tbsp are taken throughout the day.

    How is it different than IV?

    Besides convenience, two significant differences between IV and IVtoGo are absorption and therapeutic duration.

    IV vitamin C is said to be 100% bioavailable, but in fact only around 15% of IV vitamin C is actually absorbed by the body. (See our Science page for details.) Liposomes facilitate much higher absorption - around 90-100%. Thus, smaller doses may be used to achieve the same total absorption. IVtoGo does the math for you, to ensure all supplements achieve IV equivalence.

    The other difference is therapeutic duration. IV vitamin C reaches peak levels in the body at 90 minutes and is expelled from the body in around 3 hours. Liposomes reach peak concentration at around 6 hours, and circulate in the body for up to two days. When it comes to vitamin C therapy, duration has been shown to be vitally important for cancer, and with IVtoGo, therapeutic levels can be maintained on a 24-hour per day basis if desired.

    Are extreme temperatures during shipment a concern?

    IVtoGo products might be shipped at temperatures different from the ideal storage conditions. If the product's quality may be sensitive to brief exposure to prevailing weather conditions, it will be shipped either with ice or appropriate insulation. However, if under most conditions this is not a concern, so, typically, IVtoGo will be sent with normal packing materials. Since our shipping selections are designed for the shortest possible travel time, sending items at ambient temperature aids in reducing shipping expenses for our customers.

    What are liposomes?

    Liposomes are natural nanosized packages used to deliver supplements, drugs, and other therapeutic substances straight to cells, with minimal loss in metabolism. IVtoGo's liposomes have been proven effective in published clinical studies, and structurally verified by internationally-known laboratories.

    The absorption efficiency of quality liposomes is greater than can be achieved via IV or traditional oral supplements because they utilize the same delivery process as the body's natural vesicles. Encased by cellularly correct lipids, cells absorb them quickly because of their affinity for repairing themselves. This allows IVtoGo vitamins to be delivered into the interiors of cells and tissues throughout the body much more efficiently than IV or typical oral vitamins.

    In fact, research shows that when nutrients are not accompanied by the appropriate lipids, absorption is drastically reduced - and the majority of the dose should be expected to be expelled, unused.

    IVtoGo Liposomes

    What shipping options are available?

    Standard UPS and USPS shipping, as well as expedited shipping from either carrier, are available at checkout. International shipping is provided via USPS, UPS, and DHL.

    Can I use IVtoGo for mold symptoms, heavy metals, and toxicity?

    IVtoGo presents highly absorbable doses of vitamin C, L-Glutathione, and B vitamins to the body. As such, it can be used effectively as a powerful treatment for mold, heavy metals, and other toxicity. As with any effective protocol, individuals may experience detoxification symptoms, which can vary from light to severe.

    A common protocol for these conditions is 1-3 Tbsp per day, 2 to 3 times per week.

    If and when detoxification symptoms arise, reduce dosage until symptoms subside. The use of sauna, epsom salt baths, and other detoxification therapies is recommended. 

    Is it helpful for neurological health?

    IVtoGo is an outstanding neurological supplement as well. Glutathione (GSH) and vitamin C are potent antioxidants that protect against oxidative stress and inflammation, reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. B vitamins support healthy brain function, mood regulation, and neurotransmitter synthesis, contributing to overall neurological health. Phosphatidylcholine (PC), which comprises the phospholipid wall of IVtoGo liposomes, is itself highly therapeutic: It is a critical component of cell membranes in the brain and myelin, supporting healthy cognitive function, memory, and neurotransmitter synthesis and repair.

    How can I become a wholesaler?

    For details on becoming a Distributor, please visit our Distributor Page. For private parties wishing to purchase larger quantities, a volume discount is available. Email for details.

    Is IVtoGo better than vitamin C alone?

    L-Glutathione and B Vitamins are potent antioxidants and antioxidant cofactors, and greatly aid in detoxification. Myriad studies show that when administered together, the modality is more anti-pathogenic, detoxifying, and mucolyitic (removes mucus from the lungs). pulmonary/bronchial modality, better det is why each of these supplements is included in most clinical IV Vitamin C therapies. IVtoGo includes them in appropriate proportions for maximum synergistic effect.

    Is the formula vegan or vegetarian?

    IVtoGo is vegan and produced in 100% vegan facilities.

    How pure is IVtoGo?

    Patient outcome is at the center of the IVtoGo philosophy. Since liposomes usher their contents directly into cellular interiors, lipsomes composed of inferior ingredients can cause significant damage. With this in mind, IVtoGo uses, without exception, the purest ingredients on the worldwide market. Chinese components are avoided whenever possible; and all inputs come from very reputable sources in the United States, Europe, or Japan. These include Setria® L-Glutathione, Ultrapure water (exceeding pharmaceutical grade), and a proprietary, highly purified Phosphatidylcholine complex blend for the composition of its phospholipids. IVtoGo is free of sugar, soy, gluten, dairy; and neither alcohol nor solvents are used in liposome formation. This natural, chemical-free method of liposome formation is distinct from most commercially available liposomes, which often use solvents such as ethanol, which is mildly toxic, and disruptive to nutrient absorption.

    IVtoGo is flavored with stevia and botanical extracts sourced in the USA.

    Facilities are FDA-approved and inspected, 100% vegan, and free of all common allergens.

    Who should use IVtoGo?

    Although the therapeutic profile of IV vitamin C is very broad, the profile of IVtoGo is perhaps even broader.  The vitamins have a long record of efficacy for   acute infections, chronic conditions, immune deficiencies, and detoxification. Owing to its 92 nm PC particles (an ideal liposome size and composition), IVtoGo has exellent uptake into the lungs, it thus has outstanding anecdotal success for upper respriatory infections generally.  Its antioxidant profile is ideal support for neurodegenerative disorders. IVtoGo is also a mild chelant, and is an excellent adjunctive for chelation, and amalgam removal; as well as parasite, Lyme Disease, and cleansing protocols. It is well-tolerated by all ages.

    How Does It Work?

    IVtoGo utilizes natural, nanoscale, liposomal technology to achieve exceedingly high absorption. Liposomes facilitate uptake and distribution of their contents via intestinal lymphatic delivery to general (blood) circulation. They function as microscopic "passports", allowing direct intracellular access to nuclei, endoplasmic reticula, and other organelles. Additionally, studies show that liposomes enable absorption into the brain, lungs, neural cells, and deep bodily tissues generally - to a degree not possible for intravenous administration.

    (Read more here.)

    How Will It Make Me Feel?

    Aside from clinical benefits, most people notice subjective benefits from taking IVtoGo. These include an improved sense of well-being, increased energy, improved cognitive function, calmness, faster recovery from colds and flu, a reduction in joint pain, and many others. These benefits have been observed in individuals of all ages and, notably, by those who are accustomed to receiving traditional IV vitamin C on a regular basis.

    Note that due to the strong detoxifying effect of the formulation, some light-headedness or mild flu-like symptoms may be experienced. Consumers are advised to start with 1-2 Tbsp on the first day to gauge individual tolerance. If no detoxification symptoms occur, the full 5-Tbsp protocol may be taken as desired.

    Pathogen die-off or detoxification symptoms can occur intermittently, and users should reduce consumption until symptoms subside.

    How Should I Take It?

    IVtoGo should be chilled for best flavor and shaken before each use. It can be mixed with any cold drink. Hot drinks and mechanical blending devices can damage liposomes and are therefore not recommended.

    What is the Dosing Regimen?

    IVtoGo uses as proprietary dosing protocol based on peer-reviewed studies of the absorption rates of vitamin C, Glutathione, and the included B vitamins when administered in liposomal as opposed to intravenous forms.

    5 Tbsp offers the equivalent absorption of a 25g IV Vitamin C treatment. For 25 g IVC equivalence, take 1 Tbsp/15 ml every 2 hours until five doses have been taken. All five Tbsp may be taken at once; however, this results in a decrease in therapeutic duration.

    As with all dietary supplements, consult your healthcare provider prior to use. Pregnant or lactating women and children under the age of 18 should consult their qualified healthcare provider prior to use.

    How often should I take the Regimen?

    As the dosing regimen is generally very well-tolerated, it may be taken daily. Individuals may react differently depending on bodily constitution and health challenges.

    For health maintenance and preventative supplementation, lesser doses are very safe and well-tolerated for all ages, regardless of health challenges. As with all dietary supplements, consult your healthcare provider prior to use.

    What's in IVtoGo?

      Since purity and patient outcomes are at the center of what we do, IVtoGo contains no Chinese ingredients, soy, gluten, dairy, or any common allergens.  Nor does it contain, as some liposomes do, alcohol or chemical solvents - which can adversely affect bodily systems.

      It is comprised of sodium ascorbate and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), several B vitamins (loosely based on the Myers Cocktail), and the most potent intracellular detoxifier, Glutathione, from Setria Labs. All supplements are encapsulated in ultra-pure non-GMO phosphatidylcholine (PC) liposomes.

      The Thiamin used in IVtoGo is the highly preferable Thiamin HCL variant.

          Should I take IVtoGo during chemotherapy?

          High doses of vitamin C have demonstrated synergistic effects with chemotherapy drugs, and clinical studies strongly indicate the potent cancer-killing effects of vitamin C.

          Moreover, clinical studies indicate that liposomes enter lymphatic circulation (where solid tumors are spread), and are able to pass the blood-brain barrier and penetrate tissues more deeply than IV-administered vitamin C.

          Individuals are advised to consult their doctor prior to using IVtoGo during any cancer treatment.

              Does IVtoGo Vitamin C contain traces of corn?

              No. The sodium ascorbate and ascorbic acid in IVtoGo products test 100% free of corn DNA and derivatives.

                Should it be refrigerated? 

                Prior to opening, bottles do not require refrigeration. However, the product tends to taste better when chilled  Because liposomes lose stability at high temperatures, IVtoGo should be stored at or below room temperature. Do not freeze.

                Once opened, each IVtoGo should be refrigerated and used within 45 days.

                  Will IVtoGo upset my stomach? 

                  IVtoGo liposomes contain significant amounts of phospholipids, which can on occasion cause stomach upset. If this occurs, extend time between doses or reduce number of daily doses until symptoms subside.

                    What is the shelf life?

                    Each bottle is stable for 18 months from the bottled-on date, which is printed on the bottom of each bottle. Unsealed bottles should be refrigerated and used within 45 days of opening.

                      Is it safe for children?

                      Low dosages (one to two 2 tbsp/30 ml per day) are within established safe boundaries for youth cosumption of the nutrients. IVtoGo has no bitter/sour tastes, and is thus well-suited to children. However, the product is not produced for children and as with all dietary supplements, consult your healthcare provider prior to use.

                      What type of packaging is used?

                      IVtoGo is bottled in glass only.

                      Why should I be concerned about purity?

                      Much of the food and vitamin supply in the United States comes from sources of Chinese origin. This comes with inherent risk, as a record exists of impure supplements originating from that and other developing regions. To avert this, IVtoGo utilizes supplements sourced 100% from Europe and the United States - both of which have a strong record of enforcement of purity standards.

                      Additionally, purity in liposomal supplements is of even greater importance than that of conventional vitamins. Liposomes have deeper access to the body in that they deliver their contents directly to the interior of cells.  And so, if encapsulated supplements are tainted, harmful substances may reach cellular cytoplasm, where they can cause maximum damage. For this reason, IVtoGo places purity concerns at the forefront of formulation strategy.

                      Thank you for your interest in IVtoGo.

                      Please contact us here with any questions.