IVtoGo Usage Guide
IVtoGo provides IV-equivalent therapy conveniently, wherever you are. Meticulously screened for purity and vitamin content, it uses advanced liposomes to enhance neurological function and extend therapeutic effects. Offering rapid absorption and superior tissue penetration, IVtoGo is an excellent alternative for 25-gram IV vitamin C / Glutathione push therapy, ideal for detoxification, infections, and chronic conditions.
1. Unsealing IVtoGo: Uplift the cap hinge to break the tamper-evident plastic tab.
2. Handling and Storage: Shake well before each dose. Once opened, refrigerate and use within 45 days. IVtoGo tastes best chilled but may be used upon receiving at room temperature (please refrigerate thereafter). It possesses a pleasant flavor, but can be mixed with any cold beverage. Do not freeze, blend, or heat. Sealed bottles are shelf- stable for 18 months at room temperature.
3. Dosing: New users are advised to begin with with 1-2 Tbsp on the first day. If well- tolerated, and if IV-equivalent therapy is needed, increase to the IV-equivalent dose of 5 tablespoons per dosing day, as needed. Space each tablespoon by 2 hours. As IVtoGo can remain in circulation for up to 48 hours, an alternating schedule such as Monday, Wednesday, Friday is advisable. For health maintenance use, take 2 Tbsp, 2x/week. For serious acute respiratory infection, an off-label dosage of up to one bottle per day may be utilized, which usually eliminates most symptoms within 24 hours.
4. Timing and Interactions: Take doses at least 15 minutes before or 2 hours after food. If stomach upset occurs, buffer with low-carbohydrate food. IVtoGo is natural, with very few interactions. Questions about interactions or contraindications should be forwarded to your licensed healthcare provider.